
How do we work?

The management team at PHP->Outsourcing takes great care in following a standardized and clear work procedure in order to be able to deliver a constant quality for your projects.

Project analysis and deadlines

The work flow starts with you - The Client - submitting the project brief to us. We will fully analyze the brief and make sure that the projects requirements were fully understood. At this step we can make suggestions or even offer reasonable consultancy for projects without well defined specifications.
After the analysis is complete we will provide you a timeline with deadlines for each part of the project, cost assesment and preliminary documentation about the choosen technical soulutions if required.

Project development

After all the conditions have been agreed upon, the actual development will start and you will be kept informed on all stages of the process. The PHP->Outsourcing management team will oversee the development and make sure the programmers are using the best technical approaches.

Quality Assurance

All the modules of the project will be put under specific functionality and ergonomics tests to rule out eventual programming or conception mistakes. Specific tests can be made upon request.

Project delivery and implementation

After the project is finished and has passed QA and also has the client's approval, we will deliver you the sources complete with comments so they can be used or extended in the future. If required we will implement the application on the your server and take care of the rest of the additional aspects so you can have a turn-key solution without any more modifications.

Support and post-delivery guarantees

For each project we can offer upon request training procedures and manuals, user guides and user interactive support from our staff. Unless agreed otherwise we will offer free bux fixes or code changes if the project's functionality does not correspond to the agreed specifications.

Best practices

Here at PHP->Outsourcing we believe in offering the best quality per price money can buy. In order to obtain this we are organizing our work around some principles which might interest you.

Emphasize on communication. From our work experience we know that most issues in handling a project occur from the lack of proper communication between the client and the developer. In order to avoid misunderstanding your specifications we will not hesitate to come back to you during development with further inquiries or alternative proposals.

Rules for limiting mistakes. Although in general the quality of the programmers may vary, by applying an internal set of rules (regarding source version control, code review, stress testing etc) we will ensure a constant quality of our services.

Clean and flexible code. Adherence to standards. The programmers are instructed to keep the code as clean and as flexible as possible. Also web standards such as the W3C recommandations are followed as close as possible. This will enable you in the future to expand your application without greater costs.

Please send us your project brief at the e-mail address below and we will come back in the shortest time with deadlines and project costs. Mention all details that might be useful including the budget so we can propose the best solution.
Contact us at this mail address